
Archive for the ‘Running’ Category

Why do women obsess so much about looks and weight? I find myself doing the same thing at times, which surprises me. I realized this past year (after putting on some weight) that I wanted to break the cycle. In some cases it is good to be concerned about excessive weight gain, because you don’t want to be unhealthy. Unhealthy can mean ‘weighs too little’, but hopefully most people realize they shouldn’t starve themselves and then run 10 miles a day. Just look at Christian Bale in “The Machinist” If you see this movie, or even just the photos you immediately see the more disgusting side of being too thin. If you see what Christian Bale looks like normally (ladies, you know what I am talking about here) then you also know that ‘thin’ is not really a good thing and having more weight is a lot more appealing.

If you want to worry about looks so much that you end up looking like plastic is that a healthy choice? Is it healthy to obsess and worry that you don’t look good enough? Improving your looks may seem like it makes you feel better, but you only feel better because you ‘think’ you look better. In reality you are trying to fix a confidence problem with improving your looks, when instead you need to work from the inside out. Change the inside and you actually change the outside too.

How many times have you seen a beautiful woman, but she has a sourpuss expression or she appears unhappy? The pretty hair and the tight body are just not enough. What people see is energy. They see your inner glow – your positive radiance. The energy is what draws them to you and makes them want to be around you. Sure, we all want to put our best foot forward (comb our hair, put on clean clothes, or put on a little lipstick). The point is we make the energy, and through it can enhance our looks or attractiveness to others.

Without a complementary combination of energy and looks, you get a fireball (just energy) or a facade (just a shell). Worry only about looks or weight and you end up focussed more on the facade and not enough on your inside energy. What is important is balance and the whole package. The next time you get ready to go out somewhere, think about generating positive internal energy for the same amount of time that you spend getting dressed and fixing your hair. You might be surprised at the results.

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After two weeks of feeling chest congestion, having a runny nose, having a stuffed nose, and feeling like moving from the sofa was impossible, today I finally felt ‘better’. I had been contemplating whether my illness was a virus or just due to this vile allergy season (the worst in Arizona in years). Since I was feeling pretty good, I decided to do my regular run (2.7 miles). I still can’t believe it. I finished it in about 26 minutes. It was fast, or at least it seemed fast, because I could actually feel wind on my face. Another indication was the sweat rolling down my cheeks and the fact that my arms and legs seemed to move without my brain telling them to. There is something about a run where you get into the groove and it feels smooth – obviously I forgot what it was like.

I found I was breathing hard during the run, but not the kind of hard where your lungs feel like they are attacking you. You know, the kind where your chest is unable to intake enough oxygen to keep your muscles going? Last week on a run (or should I say attempted run) I found myself having to walk most of it because even when I ran as slow as I could (a slow jog if there is such a thing) I fell into an asthmatic type of attack. Since I don’t have asthma I wasn’t worried, but more annoyed that my body just wouldn’t work like I wanted.

Today I was listening to my IPOD (a requirement for any run alone) and listening to an odd compilation of Hebrew songs. I was thinking about other music I needed to add to my collection. I just heard of some Turkish music I need to get, as it might be a good complement to what I have already. I wondered if I should try running to my belly dancing music? Wow, I guess I just revealed a lot about my IPOD. Is that kind of personal? Like leaving your panty-hose hanging over the shower rod in the bathroom when you have dinner guests over?

For some reason on the run I felt out of my head. Or was it really in my head? I guess I was in my head where there hasn’t been space for several weeks because of my cold. I felt focused on my running because I wasn’t wasting any time thinking about my lack of oxygen or my darned shin splints (that seem to keep recurring). The running shoes I bought a few weeks ago (and broke in by walking around Disneyland for three days) were finally ready for prime-time running today and they worked great! The air temperature was about 80 degrees at the start of the run, which to some might seem too hot, but for me it was perfect. I love to sweat out toxins and hopefully lose a few pounds in the process. When I stepped on the scale after my run I was a bit disappointed, but I guess I cannot expect miracles from a single run. The feeling of a ‘good run’ was the reward anyway. I can only hope to avoid another cold and shin splints so I can have another great run tomorrow.

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